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25% off orders at Misfits

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20% off Misfits 4-Bundle Items

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£10 off Voucher When You Refer a Friend at Misfits

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Free Delivery on orders over £35 at Misfits

Popular Misfits Health Discount Codes

Discount Last verified Redemptions
30% off Selected orders at Misfits 27 Sep, 2024 Used 90 Times
25% off orders at Misfits 27 Sep, 2024 Used 1,235 Times
20% off orders at Misfits 27 Sep, 2024 Used 1,339 Times
20% off 3 Items at Misfits 27 Sep, 2024 Used 142 Times
15% off orders at Misfits 27 Sep, 2024 Used 418 Times

Misfits Health FAQs

ᐅ Are Misfits Health certified?

Each of their supplier partners, who make their products, has earned a BRC certification - an internationally recognised food safety and quality achievement. You won’t have to worry about your safety when shopping with Misfits Health.

ᐅ Can I return my Misfits Health order?

You can return your Misfits Health order within 14 days. You will only receive a refund if the product is in the original packaging and in the same condition that you received it in. Contact customer service to start the return process.

ᐅ Where can I get a Misfits Health discount code?

You can find Misfits Health discount codes, promo codes and coupons right here on Savoo.co.uk. Sign up to their newsletter to stay up to date with sales and new products or follow the brand on social media to stay informed on ways to save money.

How to Save Money at Misfits Health

Misfits Health Banner - plant-powered protein bars

If you want to do your bit for the planet and improve your diet, dieting should not be out of your budget. Read on money-saving tips and tricks to eat well for less.

Get free advice

Click the Blog page on the right-hand side of the website to access free health and diet advice. Misfits Health has put together a range of fantastic articles about plant-based diets, mental health, and mindfulness. With Misfits Health, you’ll be able to get the most out of your diet without compromising on taste.

Save on the website homepage

Check out the header at the top of the page to learn how to save at Misfits Health. You'll find information on any sales, voucher codes or deals happening at the health food retailer there. They will also display any notable money-saving tips on their main page, usually in a big banner on the top of the page.

Buy now, pay later with Klarna

Make payments work for you by selecting pay later with Klarna during the checkout. Break up your payment into 3 interest-free instalments, or pay the full sum anytime within 30 days of purchasing your order. Either way, you’ll receive your order just as if you paid for it on the spot.

Save by shopping bundles

Get more for your money by buying a bundle pack. Created by experts and full of fantastic products, bag a bargain with up to 25% off the normal price of each item. Click on the bundles section on the top menu to access the best Misfit Health bundles at a fantastic price.

Save 15% with subscribe and save

Some items have the option to subscribe and save option, where you can get 15% off every order and get free delivery when you set up a subscription with Misfit Health. Choose at what frequency you want it delivered, modify the flavours and quantities every month, and you can even pause a delivery. Cancel at any point without incurring fees.

Special deals box

When you go to a product page of your choosing, you will see a white box under the Add to Basket red button. This box will let you know if the product is part of a sale, a bundle, or a multi-buy deal and whether you can pay for it via Klarna.

How do I use my Misfits Health discount code?

  1. Find a fantastic Misfits Health discount code from Savoo
  2. Click Get Code
  3. Copy the code and continue to the Misfits Health website
  4. Add plant-based protein treats to your cart
  5. Head to your cart when you are ready
  6. Paste your code into the 'gift card or discount code' box
  7. Click 'Apply'
  8. Input your details
  9. Complete the checkout process!

Misfits Health discount code redemption box - checkout

Recently Expired Misfits Health Discount Codes & Deals

Free Delivery on orders over £35 at Misfits
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Up to 40% off Black Friday Sale at Misfits
Free Delivery at Misfits
30% off 4 or More Items at Misfits