10% Off

10% Student Discount at Hollister

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Up to 50% off Women's Sale at Hollister

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Up to 70% off Hollister Men's Sale Items

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Members: Up to 40% off Selected Styles at Hollister

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£10 off orders over £40 on House Rewards at Hollister

Free Delivery

Free Delivery on orders over £50 at Hollister

Top Tip

Save on Gift Cards at Hollister

Top Tip

£5 Standard Delivery at Hollister

Top Tip

Special Offers and Discounts with Hollister's Newsletter Sign Up

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Buy Now, Pay Later with Klarna at Hollister

Popular Hollister Discount Codes

Discount Last verified Redemptions
10% Student Discount at Hollister 10 Oct, 2024 Used 1,652 Times
£10 off orders over £40 on House Rewards at Hollister 10 Oct, 2024 Used 1,234 Times
Up to 50% off Women's Sale at Hollister 10 Oct, 2024 Used 439 Times
Up to 70% off Hollister Men's Sale Items 10 Oct, 2024 Used 155 Times
Free Delivery on orders over £50 at Hollister 10 Oct, 2024 Used 112 Times

Hollister FAQs

ᐅ Where can I find the latest Hollister discount codes?

Find all the latest Hollister discount codes and deals here at Savoo. We've put all the best offers in one place ready for your next online shopping haul. From flash sales to huge percentage savings, there's a deal for everyone. Follow our handy online saving tips too!

ᐅ Is there a Hollister student discount code?

Yes - calling all students! Unlock 10% off every Hollister order your make with your exclusive student discount code. Just register your student status with UNiDAYS to find your campus style for less.

ᐅ How much of a Hollister discount will I get by shopping in the sale?

Save up to 70% off the original price of a product by shopping in the Hollister sale. The same top quality, designer products but for a much budget-friendly price tag.

ᐅ Is it free to sign up to the Hollister Club Cali?

Yes - it's completey free to join Club Club online! Jus sign up online at HollisterCo.com by providing your first name, last name, email address, and phone number today.

ᐅ Will I get a Hollister discount by signing up to Club Cali?

Yes - become a coveted member of the Club Cali and unlock £10 off your first order! You'll also receive plenty of great cash rewards, exclusive deals, member only sale events, free shipping offers and so much more!

How to Save Money at Hollister

Hollister banner

For fashion essentials shop at Hollister. Search through hundreds of classic designs as well as must-have styles for every special occasion. Revamping your wardrobe doesn't need to cost a fortune - here are a few amazing ways to save on your next order.

Club Cali

Become a coveted member of Club Cali and benefit from a huge £10 off your first order. Not only that, but being a member comes with a huge range of benefits including further cash rewards, exclusive, member only sale events, free shipping offers and so much more. You'll get rewarded every time you shop, with every £1 you spend earning you 100 points. Every 12,500 points you collect equals £5 Cali Cash. Download the app and get a bonus 1000 points. You'll also even get first access to events and limited edition items before the rest of the crowd.

Click and collect

Ditch the postage fees and get your online order faster with the click and collect service offered by Hollister. Find the store nearest and most convenient for you and select the click and collect option at the checkout. You'll be emailed as soon as your order is ready, which in most cases will only take a few hours, perfect for that last minute purchase.

Gift card

Get the fashion lover in your life a Hollister gift card and give them the freedom to make their own choices when it comes to what they decide to wear. Send the e-gift card straight to the recipients email address, saving you the hassle of and cost of postage, and choose the card amount that suits your gifting budget, it couldn't be easier. Plus, if you want your gift card sent to you, shipping is completely free.

How to use your Hollister discount code

  • Find the discount code or deal that works best for you right here at Savoo
  • Click ‘Get Deal’ and ‘Continue to Hollister’ to be redirected to their website
  • Add your favourite styles to your shopping bag and click ‘Bag Details’ once you’ve finished shopping
  • Review your order and check that the deal has been automatically applied
  • Click 'Checkout' to complete your order

Hollister discount code application box on checkout

If you do have a discount code to use, paste it into the 'Promotions' box at checkout and hit apply.

Recently Expired Hollister Discount Codes & Deals

£10 off orders over £40 When You Join House Rewards at Hollister
Activewear from £14 at Hollister
Up to 50% off Select Styles at Hollister
Up to 40% off Selected Styles at Hollister
20% off orders over £50 at Hollister