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£15 off orders at 4Gadgets | 10 Oct, 2024 | Used 12 Times |
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4Gadgets FAQs
ᐅ How can I get a 4Gadgets discount code?
Right here at Savoo! Our team hunts down all the best 4Gadgets discount codes, promo codes and vouchers, helping you make even more savings on iPhone, Samsung phones, laptops and more! Follow the brand on social media or sign up to the 4Gadget newsletter to learn about upcoming sales, get access to discount codes and learn about upcoming sales.
ᐅ If an item is still out of stock, can I still order the item?
Not at the moment. If the phone, laptop, or gaming console is displayed as being out of stock, you will not be able to add the product to your basket. You can sign up for notifications so you will be emailed when the item is back in stock. Enter your email address in the box that appears below the listing once you have selected the item you are interested in.
ᐅ Can I cancel my 4Gadget order?
Yes, you can cancel your 4Gadgets order by sending the tech retailer your order number, which you can find on your order confirmation email. You should then contact 4Gadgets to cancel your order via sales@4gadgets.co.uk, by calling the team on 0800 111 4458 or via Live Chat.
ᐅ Do 4Gadgets offer finance?
Yes. You can pay via Klarna, which will allow you to buy now, pay later. Spread the cost of your tech purchase into 3 interest-free instalments. The first payment will be made when you purchase your goods, the remaining instalments will be scheduled automatically every 30 days. You can also pay in 30 days with no interest and no fees. Simply opt for Klarna during checkout to enjoy your new purchase before pay day.
ᐅ Is 4Gadgets safe and secure?
Yes, the brand has earned a 4.5/5 score on 4Gadgets with 86% positive reviews and has earned 5 stars on Trustpilot. You can put your confidence in 4Gadgets.
ᐅ How can I pay for my 4Gadgets order?
You can pay for your laptop, phone or tablet by using a debit/credit card, PayPal, Amazon Pay or Klarna.
How to Save Money at 4Gadgets
4gadgets pride themselves on selling quality items at great prices. As an experienced seller in the mobile phone and tablet industry over the last 5 years, they know what people want and make sure they provide exactly that. We've discovered some great new ways for you to save even more money on your next order.
Check the blog for deals
Head over to the 4Gadgets blog, and you’ll not just find regular posts about all the latest handsets to be released, but posts about deals available on the website. Keep an eye on the blog page and you’ll find regular updates about the best deals on new handsets.
How to use my 4Gadgets discount code
- Choose the device you’d like to buy, scroll down and check to see what handsets are available * Choose between the condition options, and then click ‘Add to cart’. You’ll be taken directly to your cart, where you should click ‘Go to checkout’
- Choose your delivery options, and then scroll down to the ‘Add coupon code’ section. In the field, copy the discount code and click ‘Add coupon’
- The deduction will be made, your order total adjusted
- You can go ahead and click ‘Complete Checkout’