40% Off

40% off First Box at Laithwaites

20% Off

20% off Your First order at Laithwaites

50% Off

New Customers: Up to 50% off Laithwaites Deals

50% Off

Up to 50% off Secret Deals at Laithwaites

20% Off

20% off Subscription orders plus Freebies at Laithwaites

20% Off

Up to 20% off First Cases plus 4 Free Glasses, Free Prosecco, and Free Delivery with Wine Plan Sign-Ups at Laithwaites

25% Off

25% off 6 Wines or More at Laithwaites

£72 Off

Bin Ends: Up to £72 off Laithwaites Clearance Items

40% Off

Up to 40% off The Wine Club at Laithwaites

Top Tip

Special Offers and Discounts with Laithwaite's Newsletter Sign Up

£149 Off

Up to £149 off Mixed Cases plus Free Delivery at Laithwaites

Top Tip

100% Money-Back Guarantee at Laithwaites

Free Delivery

Free Delivery on 24 Bottles or More at Laithwaites

£3,780 Off

Up to £3780 off Wine Offers plus Freebies at Laithwaites

£108 Off

Up to £108 off New Zealand Sauvignon at Laithwaites

Popular Laithwaites Discount Codes

Discount Last verified Redemptions
40% off First Box at Laithwaites 9 Oct, 2024 Used 847 Times
25% off 6 Wines or More at Laithwaites 9 Oct, 2024 Used 478 Times
New Customers: Up to 50% off Laithwaites Deals 9 Oct, 2024 Used 122 Times
Up to 50% off Secret Deals at Laithwaites 9 Oct, 2024 Used 39 Times
20% off Your First order at Laithwaites 9 Oct, 2024 Used 78 Times

Laithwaites FAQs

ᐅ Where can I find a valid Laithwaites discount code?

Here at Savoo: our current top Laithwaites wine offer will save you 40% off your order. We currently have 15 active deals for October 2024 to help you save money on your wine delivery - previous users haved saved an average £2,449.75 per order using Savoo deals. Try following long-running ways to save at Laithwaites:

  1. If you're new to Laithwaites, redeem the new customer discount to save 30% on your first order over 6 or more bottles.
  2. Sign up for a Laithwaites wine plan for a whole host to benefits including £100 off your first case of 12 bottles (over half price), and freebies including Darlington Crystal glasses, a bottle of prosecco, and free delivery. Your wine plan entitles you to a new case of wine every 12 weeks at a 10% discount: perfect for regular shoppers!
  3. Join Laithwaites Premier to get 2 free bottles on every order which saves an average £200 across the year!
  4. Get a year of Laithwaites free next day delivery with Laithwaites Unlimited.
  5. Use the Laithwaites refer a friend scheme to get a £20 voucher.
  6. Drinking on a budget? Shop the Laithwaites sale: find these discounts in the Bin Ends, Wine Offers, and Black Friday Deals sections.

ᐅ What is the Laithwaites 100% guarantee?

The 100% guarantee promises that if you don’t like a bottle of wine you’ve ordered for whatever reason, they’ll arrange to pick it up and give you either a refund or a replacement. That means you only pay for what you love. Simply contact the team to arrange a replacement or refund.

ᐅ Are Laithwaites wines vegan?

Not all of Laithwaites wine is vegan - however, they do have a range of more than 150 vegan wines to suit your dietary needs. From rich reds to crisp pinot grigio, there are still plenty of options to choose from for vegans and vegetarians.

ᐅ Does Laithwaites sell gift vouchers?

Yes, you can send the wine lover in your life a Laithwaites gift voucher either by email or by post. Gift vouchers start at £25, so you can treat them to a few special bottles of wine without risking getting red for someone who really prefers rosé. Add your own special message for a truly thoughtful gift.

ᐅ How do I contact Laithwaites customer services?

Head to the FAQs page first to find information on everything from ordering to delivery and returns. Alternatively, fill in the online form, send them a message through the live chat or call 03330 148 168.

How to Save Money at Laithwaites

Laithwaites Bin End bargains

Snap up some amazing bargains in the Bin End section. From red, white, rose and sparkling wine to mixed cases which have a little bit of everything, you could really save a bundle. Don’t be put off by the name - bin end wines are simply wines being sold off at a discounted rate to make room for new bottles, making them fantastic value for money!

Shop mixed cases with prices by the bottle

If you want to pick up a range of different bottles, a mixed case is the way to go. Even better, you can do it on a budget. Shop by price per bottle to keep costs down. Whether you want to splash out on a fancier bottle over £15 or find some budget-friendly bottles under £7.99, it’s easy to build a case to suit your tastes and bank balance.

laithwaites discount on mixed cases price by the bottle

Sign up to the newsletter to stay in the know

Be sure to subscribe for the newsletter for exclusive offers or the latest wine discoveries from his expert buyers. They also send out weekly wine offers to suit your taste and budget so you’re always the first to hear about the the best bargains up for grabs right now.

Use the filters to find the best deals

As you’re browsing, make the most of the handy filters on the left hand side. Not only can they help narrow down your search by taste and price, but you can also find all the bottles with special offers and set your budget. Select your prefered price and click ‘on offer', or sort your search from price lowest to highest to see the best bargains in a flash.

Laithwaites filter by price and offer

Get free expert wine advice

Laithwaites members can get fantastic free wine recommendations from expert wine advisors at no extra charge. Your personal wine advisor will find you all the best deals for your tastes, let you know when your favourites are in stock, recommend bottles for special occasions and answer any questions you might have.

No longer accepting new members: Laithwaites Premiere

Join Laithwaites Premiere to receive two free bottles of wine on every order of 12 bottles or more! At just £80 per year, you need only order a case of 12 three times a year to start making savings.

In fact, Laithwaites states many members claim over £200 worth of bottles annually with Premiere.

How do I use my Laithwaites discount code?

  1. Click on one of Savoo’s epic deals to reveal your voucher code
  2. Copy your code and head to the website
  3. Add a few bottles to your shopping basket
  4. View your basket and click ‘add voucher or gift certificate’
  5. Paste your code into the redemption box
  6. Click ‘add’ to apply your savings
  7. Continue to checkout and complete your order as usual

Laithwaites discount code redemption box

Some deals won’t need a code to work. Simply click on the offer or promotion to be taken to the relevant sales page and your discount will be added automatically once your order fulfills the deal’s terms and conditions.

Recently Expired Laithwaites Discount Codes & Deals

New Customers: Exclusive £40 off orders over £110 at Laithwaites - Limited Time Only!
40% off Luxury Mature Reds Sale Mix at Laithwaites
Up to 50% off Laithwaites Summer Sale
30% off plus Free Delivery on orders at Laithwaites
Bank Holiday: 45% off Wines plus Free 6 Beers at Laithwaites