Up to 50% off Master of Malt Gin Special Offers
- Supports Marie Curie
Up to 80% off Master of Malt Flash Sale
- Supports Marie Curie
Up to 80% off Master of Malt Clearance Range
- Supports Marie Curie
Free Delivery with Whisky Subscription at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
25% off Master of Malt Bundles
- Supports Marie Curie
Up to 25% off Whisky Special Offers at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Bathtub Gin for £34.95 at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Master of Malt New Arrivals from £5
- Supports Marie Curie
8% off Johnnie Walker Blue Label at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Gift Vouchers from £50 at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Master of Malt Best Seller Items from £4.16
- Supports Marie Curie
Free Delivery on orders over £99 at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Buy Now, Pay Later with PayPal at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
3 for 2 Bunnah, Deanston, Ledaig & Tobermory at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Diageo Special Releases from £99.23 at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Gift Ideas from £10 at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Free Glass and Bar Spoon When You Buy No.3 Gin 70cl at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Special Offers and Discounts with Master of Malt's Newsletter Sign Up
- Supports Marie Curie
Free Ledaig Hat Worth £25 with Each Bottle at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Free Gifts on Selected orders at Master of Malt
- Supports Marie Curie
Popular Master of Malt Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
Up to 80% off Master of Malt Flash Sale | 3 Dec, 2024 | Used 706 Times |
Up to 25% off Whisky Special Offers at Master of Malt | 3 Dec, 2024 | Used 9 Times |
Free Delivery with Whisky Subscription at Master of Malt | 3 Dec, 2024 | Used 377 Times |
8% off Johnnie Walker Blue Label at Master of Malt | 3 Dec, 2024 | Used 16 Times |
Gift Vouchers from £50 at Master of Malt | 3 Dec, 2024 | Used 63 Times |
Master of Malt FAs
ᐅ Can I get a Master of Malt discount code?
Master of Malt discount codes are quite rare. The brand has promoted codes in the past and the discount code box on the brand's checkout page is still there. As soon as a new Master of Malt code is added we'll have it listed right here at Savoo.
Right now we've got 20 Master of Malt deals live offering a top discount of 80% off.
ᐅ Does Master of Malt have Black Friday sales?
Yes. Master of Malt holds Black Friday sales every year. You could save up to 50% on fine wines, vodka, rum and more.
ᐅ Does Master of Malt accept PayPal?
Master of Malt accepts PayPal as a means of payment along with all other major credit and debit card providers. They also accept Amazon Pay and bank transfers.
ᐅ Does Master of Malt offer an NHS discount?
No, Master of Malt are not currently offering any official NHS discounts, although you can find lots of other exciting discounts and sales on their website. As soon as they start offering NHS discount, we will add it to this page, so check back regularly!
How to Save Money at Master of Malt
If you enjoy a cheeky tipple, Master of Malt has one of the finest selections of malt spirits, including whiskey, rum, gin, cocktails and more. Grab your favourite spirit for less online when reading some of our money-saving tips and tricks.
Need Some Advice or Inspiration? Check Out the Free Guides
If you’re not clued up on all the jargon, check out their guides. This can be accessed at the via the category navigation - select your spirit and on the top left of the dropdown you'll find the relevant guide. Each guide contains information on flavour notes, the types of spirit and even how they are made. Read up on cocktails, find the best way to pair your gin and learn how to age your own spirits. Never waste money on bad whiskey again with these free guides.
Get a Gift card
If you’re purchasing for a loved one but can’t come to a decision on what spirit to buy, why not buy them a gift card? Don’t waste time or money buying something they may not like when you can let them pick out the right product for them.
Not sure? Get a sample
Head to the sample section of the Master and Malt website to find hundreds of 3cl samples of spirits. Enjoy little wax-dipped bottles that have been divided from 70cl bottles. This allows you to try some of the world’s best whiskey, tequila, rum, gin, vodka and more for a fraction of the price. Keep an eye on the sample sale section of the website as well, to enjoy even lower prices on spirits. Plus, look out for sample sales and last chance drams to get an even better deal!
Stay Connected
Find Master of Malt on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to stay in the know about new beverages and exclusive offers. Want to be the first to hear about the latest voucher codes and promo codes? Follow, like, and subscribe to stay connected.
Affiliates Save More
If you are an influencer or website owner why not join the affiliate programme? You'll unlock a range of exciting perks and benefits designed to help you save – and earn. Explore the variable commission rates on offer and promote your favourite drinks to friends and followers – get in touch today.
Check Out the Master of Malt Blog
Browse the blog and read up on all the latest booze-related news! From top ten lists and new arrival updates to exclusive reviews and informative articles, there’s so much to discover – and it’s all free to access.
How to use a Master of Malt discount code
- Choose your Master of Malt discount code and copy it
- Get shopping!
- Choose an item and click ‘add to basket’, then ‘checkout’
- Find ‘got a gift voucher?’ and click ‘add it’
- Paste your code in the box and click ‘add voucher’
- Watch as your discount is activated!