Standard Delivery for £3.95 at Lens Saver
Up to 5% Lens Saver Student Discount on orders over £20
Up to 50% off Contact Lenses and Solutions at Lens Saver
Travel Packs from £3.99 at Lens Saver
Contact Lenses from £9.90 at Lens Saver
Solutions from £3.90 at Lens Saver
Dry Eye Treatment from £3.95 at Lens Saver
Eye Drops from £3.95 at Lens Saver
Air Optix from £12.50 at Lens Saver
Featured Offers from £9.90 at Lens Saver
Freshlook Lenses from £10 at Lens Saver
Cleaners and Salines Solution from £3.90 at Lens Saver
Multi-Purpose Solutions from £5.50 at Lens Saver
30-Day Returns at Lens Saver
Popular Lens Saver Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
Up to 50% off Contact Lenses and Solutions at Lens Saver | 7 Oct, 2024 | Used 1,781 Times |
Up to 5% Lens Saver Student Discount on orders over £20 | 7 Oct, 2024 | Used 597 Times |
Standard Delivery for £3.95 at Lens Saver | 7 Oct, 2024 | Used 241 Times |
Featured Offers from £9.90 at Lens Saver | 7 Oct, 2024 | Used 9 Times |
30-Day Returns at Lens Saver | 7 Oct, 2024 | Used 1 Time |
Lens Saver FAQs
ᐅ Where can I get an active Lens Saver discount code?
You can currently get 14 Lens Saver discount codes at Savoo. Our top code will save you 50% off your order, but by reading our saving tips you could make even more savings on your multifocals and lenses. From the sale to the student discount- make your money go further on your order in October 2024.
ᐅ Do Lens Saver offer free delivery?
Not currently. While you could previously unlock free shipping on all orders at Lens Saver by spending over £45, this deal is no longer valid. Look out for the return of this shipping saving, or for a free delivery code here at Savoo.
ᐅ Is there a Lens Savers student discount?
Yes - unlock 5% student discount at Lens Saver by verifying your student status with Student Beans for free! All you need to qualify to use your student savings is to spend upwards of £20 on your new eyewear.
ᐅ Is there a Lens Saver sale on?
While there is not a Lens Saver sale section that runs all year, it is likely there will be a sale soon. Recent sale discounts have included up to 50% off your next pair of sunglasses!
ᐅ Does Lens Saver offer cheap contact lenses?
Yes – they will always give you a great deal on your lenses, whether you’re after monthlies, dailies, bifocals, or extended wear options. Save up to 50% when you shop and make sure you’re not paying too much to see better.
ᐅ Does Lens Saver have a refer a friend programme?
No, but there are lots of other savings to be made. Why not start by looking out for sales, picking up a Lens Saver discount code here at Savoo, or checking out all the free contact lens advice the website has to offer?
How to Save Money at Lens Saver
No matter what kind of lenses you’re after, you can bet you’ll find them at a cheaper price than any high street optician at Lens Saver. As well as lower prices and up to 50% savings, there are plenty more helpful money-saving tips for you to discover before you shop online at Lens Saver.
Save time and money with the top Lens Saver prices
Organise your listings lowest prices first by clicking the arrow next to ‘price’ and find the best deals without having to scroll through endless pages. Get a bargain price without hassle – a super way to streamline your shopping experience and make everything that bit more cost-effective.
Jump onto the live chat
Speak to the Lens Saver team to get your questions and queries answered before you make a purchase. Make sure you make the right decision for your eyes before you spend any money. Whether you want to know what brand is best, what type of lenses are best for you or even advice on how to wear your lenses with ease - the experts are there to help.
Free lens advice from Lens Saver
Browse the blog, ‘eye care center’ and check out the ‘help & support’ pages to be in the know when it comes to eye care and contact lenses. From wearing tips to dry eye solutions, there’s an answer waiting for you. Take proper care of your eyes with this great free resource.
Get the best Lens Saver deals with no effort!
Follow Lens Saver on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news, exclusive deals, and exciting offers. Make sure you never miss out – give them a like and a follow today and see what you could save.
How to use a Lens Saver discount code
- Find the discount code or deal you want to use right here at Savoo
- Click 'Get Deal' and 'Continue to Lens Saver'
- Shop for your perfect lens and enter your prescription
- Click 'Add to Cart'
- Review your order and make sure the deal has been automatically applied
- If you do have a discount code, paste this into the box and click 'Apply discount'
- Click 'Proceed to discount'
- Enter your chosen shipping method and payment details
- Complete your order