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Extra 30% off Selected orders at Muddy Puddles

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20% off orders at Muddy Puddles

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15% off Selected Full-Priced orders at Muddy Puddles

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Up to 60% off Muddy Puddles Mid-Season Sale

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10% off First order When You Refer a Friend at Muddy Puddles

60% Off

Up to 60% off Muddy Puddles Sale Items

60% Off

Up to 60% off Waterproof Trousers at Muddy Puddles

60% Off

Up to 60% off Jackets and Coats at Muddy Puddles

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Up to 60% off Thermal Base Layers at Muddy Puddles

51% Off

Up to 51% off All-In-One Suits at Muddy Puddles

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Up to 60% off Selected Accessories at Muddy Puddles

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Up to 50% off Wellies at Muddy Puddles

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Up to 25% School Discount at Muddy Puddles

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Up to 50% off Kids' Sunsafe Swimwear at Muddy Puddles

Free Delivery

Free Delivery on orders over £60 at Muddy Puddles

Top Tip

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Top Tip

Free Returns at Muddy Puddles

Top Tip

New Arrivals from £15 at Muddy Puddles

Popular Muddy Puddles Discount Codes

Discount Last verified Redemptions
Extra 30% off Selected orders at Muddy Puddles 30 Sep, 2024 Used 84 Times
Up to 60% off Muddy Puddles Mid-Season Sale 2 Oct, 2024 Used 1 Time
20% off orders at Muddy Puddles 30 Sep, 2024 Used 11 Times
20% off Selected Full-Priced orders at Muddy Puddles 30 Sep, 2024 Used 467 Times
15% off New Arrivals at Muddy Puddles 30 Sep, 2024 Used 4 Times

Muddy Puddles FAQs

ᐅ Where can I find the best Muddy Puddles discount codes?

Right here at Savoo. We hunt the internet to make sure this page is fully updated with all the latest and greatest discounts and deals ready for your next online order at Muddy Puddles. Whether that's free delivery, huge percentage savings or flash sales there's always a great opportunity for you to make a saving by using Savoo.

ᐅ Do Muddy Puddles offer discounts for schools and nurseries?

Yes - they offer great discounts for schools, nurseries and trade customers and are happy to discuss this with you! Head over to their website to chat to a team member today.

ᐅ Will I get a Muddy Puddles discount code if I sign up?

Yes - sign up to the Muddy Puddles newsletter to unlock 15% off your first order! You'll also receive regular updates on new kidswear, sales and much more straight to your inbox.

ᐅ Will I get a discount if I refer a friend to Muddy Puddles?

Yes - if you think your friend will also enjoy Muddy Puddles then send them your unique referrals code so you both unlock 20% off your orders. It's a win win.

ᐅ Is there a Muddy Puddles size guide?

Yes - Muddy Puddles have a handy Size Guide to help you with the sizing of your explorer's clothing or footwear. Check it out on their website to make sure you get the perfect fit the first time around.

How to Save Money at Muddy Puddles

muddy puddles kidswear

Discover the exceptional technical performance of all Muddy Puddles kidswear! Waterproof, durable, breathable and ready for any weather you can ensure your little one is protected from the wet weather at all costs. We've gathered up some great ways to save on your next Muddy Puddles order - make a saving today.

One year quality guarantee

Muddy Puddles are so proud of their products that they offer a one year quality guarantee on all orders. Every product is built to last, and even be passed down to brother and sister when the time comes. So, if anything happens to your goods within that time that is due to material or manufacturing defects, you can get it replaced or repaired free of charge.

School and nursery discount

Save big on orders as a school or nursery when shopping at Muddy Puddles. If you need to make an order for you class of little explorers, give the company a call and see what they can do for you. If you buy through them, you'll also be entitled to 20% discount off waterproofs, a one year quality guarantee, a free monthly pack of outdoor learning resources and more.

Read through the blog

Check out the Muddy Puddles blog for all sorts of inspiration for outdoor activities, with tips and outfit advice for each activity. Ensure you're buying the right gear for the right situation, with posts including things to do outside to beat the January blues, guides to getting kids outside in the cold, and things to do in the woods to name just a few.

How to use your Muddy Puddles discount code

  • Find the discount code or deal you want to use
  • Click 'Get Code' and copy it ready to use later
  • Click 'Continue to Muddy Puddles' to start shopping
  • Add your favourite kidswear into your shopping bag
  • Click 'Checkout' once you've finished shopping
  • Review your order and click 'Continue to Checkout'
  • Enter your delivery and contact information
  • Paste your discount code into the box and click 'Submit'
  • Scroll down and click 'Place order and pay'

muddy puddles discount code application at checkout

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