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Popular Match Discount Codes

Discount Last verified Redemptions
Match Advice at Match 24 Jul, 2024 Used 92 Times
Find Singles in Your Area at Match 24 Jul, 2024 Used 52 Times
Special Offers and Discounts with Match's Email Sign Up 24 Jul, 2024 Used 322 Times
Free Registration and Meet People at Match 24 Jul, 2024 Used 648 Times
Book Your Place at an Upcoming Singles Event at Match 24 Jul, 2024 Used 7 Times FAQs

▷ Where can I find a Match discount code?

Here at Savoo you’ll find all the latest discount codes, deals and special offers. Enjoy free registration, limited time deals on subscriptions and free event entry offers. An easy way to stay up-to-date to current deals is by following on their official social media channels.

▷ Does do codes?

Yes, does do discount codes albeit very rarely. Typical codes tend to offer discounts on subscription prices - sometimes up to 25%. Keep your eyes peeled for a code or make use of the deals and special offers to see how you can save.

▷ Is free to join?

Yes - it’s totally free to join and create your dating profile. However, to get the best experience and boost your chances of being matched, it’s recommended to upgrade to a subscription plan. These start from as little as £6.99 a month.

▷ Are Singles Nights free?

No, Singles Nights aren’t free, but all online events are free! For Singles Night events, subscribed members can enjoy discounted ticket prices.

How to save money at

Match illustrated banner Ready to find love? At there are thousands of like minded singles waiting to chat. Whether you’re looking for a companion or someone to settle down with, join and the millions of people who have found their match. Plus with these saving tips and codes you can do it all for less.

Free online events and games

Join in with online events and games totally free as a relaxed, informal way to meet new people. Just go to the events page and see what fun activities are happening online in the coming weeks. From quizzes to music nights, these virtual events are a fantastic way to introduce yourself to interesting singles without paying a penny.

How to use a discount code

  1. Choose the deal you want to use
  2. Click on it and review the deal
  3. Go through to
  4. Sign up or log in
  5. In your account click ‘subscribe’
  6. Choose how many months
  7. Any savings will be automatically applied here
  8. Finish the payment

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