Field Lane is a small charity working with vulnerable families and adults with learning disabilities in London and the Southeast. It provides housing, care and wrap-around support for vulnerable individuals and families, some of whom are homeless.

Field Lane strives to challenge common perceptions of learning disabilities. All the charities clients are supported to be independent and make their own choices.The charity provides individualised support, which depends on each client’s needs, interests and priorities, not on assumptions about what they can and cannot do.

Field Lane has a long history, dating back to 1841 when founder - Andrew Provan opened the Victorian Ragged School in London. Having evolved since those very early days, the charity has changed, but the philosophy remains the same; continuing to work with disadvantaged people.

How donations make an impact?

£5 provides baby wipes for a homeless child

£10 will buy nappies and other toiletries for a homeless child.

£15 buy some toys for a homeless child.

You might be surprised to learn...

Field Lane began life in the notorious “Field Lane" area, the setting for Charles Dicken’s infamous novel, Oliver Twist. Andrew Provan, a London City Missioner, came to the area in 1841 to teach children and young people - upon witnessing the effect of abject poverty and ill health on the residents he established the charity. Early supporters included Charles Dickens who wrote about the charity’s work in “Household Words". He also used the area called Field Lane as a setting for Fagin’s den in Oliver Twist.

In 2019 the charity had a portfolio of 100 accommodation sites. 21,500 hours of support to 105 people is provided each month

Field Lane is seeking to develop between 1 and 2 new projects each year.

What makes Field Lane different..

Field Lane’s Christian heritage and understanding of society means that it is client-centred, acts in a caring manner, and ensures dignity and respect for everyone that it works with. The charity tailors support to the needs of every individual it works with. It provides compassionate, innovative and individualised care whether it is in its community services, supported housing, nursing care or its residential family support centre.

Important dates for the calendar

June - Learning Disabilities Week

June - Small Charities Week

Other ways to support

As well as financial donations, Field Lane would welcome donations-in-kind, such as furniture and household items preferably new. Whatever amount, your donation makes a huge difference to their work. It is not a volunteering organisation.


2nd Floor, Victoria Charity Centre, 11 Belgrave Road

Contact Number

020 7748 0303