36% off Bookings at OYO
30% off Bookings at OYO
27% off all OYO Bookings
10% off Stay at OYO
Halloween Offer: Stay 2 Nights, Pay for 1 at OYO
Up to 45% off OYO Exclusive Deals
Special Offers and Discounts with OYO's Newsletter Sign Up
Extra 10% Bookings with OYO Wizard Blue Membership
Popular OYO Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
Extra 10% Bookings with OYO Wizard Blue Membership | 24 Oct, 2024 | Used 11 Times |
36% off Bookings at OYO | 24 Oct, 2024 | Used 56 Times |
30% off Bookings at OYO | 24 Oct, 2024 | Used 8 Times |
27% off all OYO Bookings | 24 Oct, 2024 | Used 3 Times |
10% off Stay at OYO | 24 Oct, 2024 | Used 3 Times |
ᐅ How do I get a OYO discount code?
All of the OYO Rooms discount codes to help you save big can be found at Savoo! Get percentage discounts, and discover top money saving tips when staying at OYO Rooms.
ᐅ What is the check-in policy for OYO?
As long as you’re over 18, you’re sorted! All you need to do is present a valid photo ID in order to check-in to OYO Rooms. Standard check-in time is 12pm, but OYO Rooms tries to ensure that you can check-in at any time after this while your reservation is valid.
ᐅ Where in the UK can I find OYO Hotels?
OYO has hotels in over 114 cities in the UK. This includes major cities such as London, Birmingham, Cambridge, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leicester, Manchester and Liverpool. Want a quieter break away? Find OYO Rooms in Isle of Wight, Newquay, Brighton, Bath and much much more!
ᐅ Is there an OYO Student discount?
Yes! Don’t miss out on a whopping 31% student discount when booking your hotel! Simply verify your student status by registering with Student Beans and take advantage of this great reduction. You’ll be sent a discount code – just apply it at the check out and watch those prices drop!
ᐅ Can I get free cancellation with OYO Rooms?
Of course! Free cancellation, and a full refund, is provided on bookings made via OYO Rooms when the cancellation is made 48 hours before check-in.
How to save money at OYO
Save big and travel better when you choose OYO. With thousands of affordable rooms around the world, you’re guaranteed a comfortable stay wherever you’re exploring. Plus, with these money saving tips you’ll rest a little easier knowing you got an awesome deal.
Hundreds of low cost listings
Check out the fantastic range of cheap accommodation when you search for rooms under £50. Choose your destination, input your dates, and find some incredible – and affordable – places to stay in exciting destinations around the world. Don’t waste time scrolling through costly listings you can’t afford, narrow it down to find the place that suits your budget, saving you time and money.
Get the best deals at your fingertips
Download the OYO app to stay up-to-date with all the best hotel deals. Be the first to hear the latest news and info, plus enjoy exclusive offers and awesome discounts right there in your pocket. So, don’t sleep on finding the best bargains around – download today and get ready to save.
Sign up and save
Register for an account to find even lower prices across hundreds of hotels. Without an account you’ll find some discounts, but you’ll enjoy further reduced rates when you’re logged in to your account. Sign up today and see what you could save on a range of fantastic hotels in a number of great locations.
15% cashback for new customers
Make a whopping 15% saving on your accommodation every single time you spend. Whatever you spend, you’ll get 15% free credit issued straight back to your OYO wallet to use on your next booking. It’s an incredible way to pinch some pennies and get exploring the world’s hidden gems for less.
Look out for rooms offering complimentary breakfast
Bring the cost of your trip down even further by choosing a room with free breakfast. Don’t worry if you’re not the most eagle-eyed of browsers, luckily there’s a nifty ‘complimentary breakfast’ tickbox filter you can use to narrow down your search in just one click.
How do I use my OYO discount code?
- Find the offer you’d like to use
- Open it and copy the code
- Follow on to the OYO website
- Put in your travel dates and location
- Choose your hotel
- On the booking page, click ‘more offers’
- Paste your code in the coupon code box
- Apply it to your booking
- ‘Continue to book’ to complete the booking
- Enjoy the same great room for less