10% off Stay at Park Grand London Hotels
Free 100 Reward Points with Montcalm Club at Park Grand London Hotels
Up to 30% orders with Park Grand London Hotels Special Offers at
Meetings and Events at Park Grand London Hotels
Spa & Wellness at Park Grand London Hotels
Restaurant & Bar at Park Grand London Hotels
Special Offers and Discounts with Park Grand London Hotels' Newsletter Sign Up
Popular Park Grand London Hotels Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
10% off Stay at Park Grand London Hotels | 8 Oct, 2024 | Used 27 Times |
Up to 30% orders with Park Grand London Hotels Special Offers at | 8 Oct, 2024 | Used 6 Times |
Free 100 Reward Points with Montcalm Club at Park Grand London Hotels | 8 Oct, 2024 | Used 1 Time |
Meetings and Events at Park Grand London Hotels | 8 Oct, 2024 | Used 10 Times |
Spa & Wellness at Park Grand London Hotels | 8 Oct, 2024 | Used 1 Time |
Park Grand London Hotels FAQs
ᐅ Where can I find a Park Grand London Hotels Discount Code?
You'll find all the best promotions for the hotel brand on the Savoo site, although Park Grand London Hotels Discount Codes are somewhat of a rarity. Our team has made it their mission to help you get a stay at the very best price possible. Whether you're looking for the ultimate package deal or just a discount on your booking, this is the place to look.
ᐅ Can I Cancel my Booking with Park Grand London Hotels?
If you need to amend or cancel your booking, you are able to do this online. Cancellations must be received before 2pm, 24 hours before the expected day of arrival, if the cancellation is made any later than this, then you will be charged the rate of one night's stay. Special offers and discounted rates have different cancellation policies, so you'll have to check the terms and conditions for each offer.
ᐅ Can I Take my Pet to Park Grand London Hotels?
Pets are not permitted in any Park Grand hotel, so you'll have to leave your fluffy companion at home if you're looking to stay. Only service animals are allowed in the hotel and rooms.
ᐅ Do I Have to Pay Extra for Young Children at Park Grand London Hotels?
Any child under the age of 2 may share the room with their parents at no extra charge. Subject to availability, you'll be able to use a complimentary baby cot upon request, making it the perfect destination for a family stay. Any child under the age of 18 will need to be accompanied by an adult, and cannot stay in the hotel on their own.
ᐅ What Happens if I Find a Cheaper Rate than Park Grand London Hotels on Another Booking Site?
Park Grand always aim to offer the best possible price when booked directly through the website, however, if you do manage to find a cheaper rate elsewhere in another booking site, get in contact with the customer service team, and they will not only match the price, but also give you a 10% discount.
How to Save More at Park Grand London Hotels
With some of the finest rooms in London, you don't have to break the bank the next time you want to stay somewhere a little luxurious. Park Grand London Hotels offers some great amenities, with various locates over the Capital. Book your perfect room for a stay that you'll remember by checking out the many offers available.
Stay Connected with Free Wi-Fi
Make use of the free Wi-Fi that comes as standard with every booking, no matter which hotel or room type you'll be staying in. Stay connected wherever you are with compliments from the team, so you can sit in your room and finish that bit of work you've been meaning to catch up on, or take a zoom call in the lounge area, without having to worry about how much you are spending on extra internet.
Relax in the Club Lounge
Enjoy complimentary lounge access exclusively for Club Room guests, offering a plush area to relax and unwind. You'll be able to step away from the crowd for a while, but not have to stay cooped up in your room at no extra fee.
Plan in advance
Book your rooms in advance to make use of the advanced saver purchase price. The more advanced you book, the bigger the discount. If you already know tour plans, booking ahead is the best way to save, and you could get a nifty discount on the best available rates.
Stay and Dine
Spend the night and have a tasty meal all in one great, affordable package. The package gives you breakfast, plus your choice of dinner or lunch, plus added perks like fruit and water, at a much lower overall rate compared with if you bought your meal separately at the on-site restaurant. Be sure to book in ahead, as advanced reservation is required.
Children Stay Free
Make it a family stay at no extra cost, with children under 2 welcome to share their parent's room for free. Cots are even available upon request when booking in advance.
Become a Member
Get 11% off the best available rate with a deal that's exclusively for the use of PCR members, a way of thanking valued guests for their loyalty. Not only that, but as a Premier Club Rewards member, you'll also earn free nights and complimentary room upgrades, as well as other exclusive privileges. The program is free and easy to join, and you'll collect points every time to stay, with 10 points awards for every £1 spent on a booking. Once you've collected 15,000 points, they can be exchanged for a free night at specified hotels, although some branches may require more reward points. You'll also get complimentary snacks, newspapers and boxes of chocolate which you'll find it hard to say no to.
There are a few different membership tiers available, Silver, Gold and Platinum, and you'll progress towards Platinum the more often you stay with Park Grand, which has even more generous benefits such as complimentary laundry, complimentary use of the club lounges, and extended check out to name just a few.
Stay Connected with the Newsletter
Sign up for the monthly newsletter by entering your email in the box at the bottom of the page and be the first in the know when your next trip to London could be made even more affordable. The newsletter will be sent straight to your inbox and include a range of hard to resist deals and discounts, as well as recommendations when travelling, hotel news and updates.
Browse the Blog
Have a read of the Park Grand London Hotels blog for a range of articles that will help you get the most out of your London trip. Be it events to watch out for in London, London's best food markets, tips for travelling in bad weather, and more, as well as few lifestyle pieces for some interesting reading.
How do I Use a Park Grand Discount Code?
- Find the code you want to use on the dedicated Savoo page.
- Click on the discount code and copy it.
- Head to the Park Grand website.
- Fill out your booking details.
- Enter your code in the promotion code box to the right of the booking form.
- Click book now and see your code applied to your final fee.